Ayurveda — Holistic Mind-Body Healing
I offer Ayurvedic Health Counseling in Sacramento, California and abroad.

Ayurveda is a mind-body healing system that recognizes that an individual is the totality of their experience. Therefore a person’s condition is affected by everything in their life, including diet, what one thinks and feels, what behaviors one inherits from parents, lifestyle patterns, and stress levels. While a person may not have imbalances within all those arenas, the Science of Ayurveda helps address each area and find a state of balance where it is needed.

Ayurveda, meaning “The Science of Life,” or “Life Knowledge,” is one of the oldest holistic approaches to health in the world

Ayurveda honors each person’s unique physical, emotional, and spiritual constitution. Comprised of self-healing techniques of proper diet, exercise, rest and herbal remedies, Ayurveda is the practice of living in harmony with nature.

I work with people who are interested in feeling more of their inherent vitality and fostering resilience. Ayurveda offers a path to support your soul’s passion.

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